A Las Vegas physician was recently arrested on charges arising from Syracuse, N.Y. He was indicted, along with an employee of his, on charges of Medicare fraud. According to prosecutors, he and his employee falsely submitted claims for reimbursement for medical services that had never been performed. There were also further charges of unlawfully distributing powerful painkillers like oxycodone.
Cases such as the one detailed above may seem open and shut, but the reality is that most cases can be fought, with the right advocates on your side. The attorneys at Hofland & Tomsheck have extensive knowledge in all areas of the law, including personal injury, DUI defense, family law, and criminal defense, so they can help you with any legal troubles you might be facing. Whether you need compensation, defense, or just someone on your side, give us a call for a free consultation. We’ll fight hard to make sure your case comes to its best possible resolution.